Congress "The Future of Music and Arts in Medicine and Health"

The international congress is jointly organized by the Intenational Society for Arts and Medicine (ISfAM) and the International Association for Music and Medicine (IAMM). The event will bring together medical and artistic experts, researchers, practitioners, and students from all over the world, offering opportunities for exchange, collaboration, and networking across continents and disciplines.
The congress will take place in Berlin, Germany, and online, September 18-21, 2024, as a hybrid event.
Become a member now and you will immediately benefit from the advantages of membership (see Members page).
isfam-membership-application-form.pdf for download
Congress registration
For more information please visit the congress website.
Information on congress fee payment
The congress fees are collected by ISfAM on behalf of the cooperating societies IAMM and ISfAM. You have the following options for payment:
Direct Bank transfer within Europe (SEPA)
ISfAM e.V. - IBAN: DE92 3006 0601 0028 8255 44 - BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX -
Credit card payment (only VISA/Mastercard) - please download the credit-card-payment-order-form.pdf and send back by fax to +49 30 450 529 902
Paypal using the ISfAM account
International money transfer with online transfer services. We recommend WISE, Western Union, WorldRemit, TransferGo, or Xe Money Transfer. Please use the following account information:
ISfAM e.V.
Dt. Apotheker- und Aerztebank, Richard-Oskar-Mattern-Straße 6, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany
Bank Code: 300 606 01 - Account: 000 8825544
IBAN: DE92 3006 0601 0028 8255 44 - BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX
After receiving your payment we will issue a confirmation, which you are kindly requested to show at the registration desk. Onsite payment is only possible by credit card.
Cancellation policy: Cancellations are possible until August 18, 2024. Within this time the conference fee will be paid back less 50€ cancellation charge. Should clauses of these terms and conditions be invalid or lose their effectiveness due to a yet unknown circumstance, the validity of the remaining clauses and the validity of the contract remain unaffected.
Workshops, meetings of Special Interest Groups, Committee meetings
Main congress programm
Main congress programm
Main congress programm

The International Society for Arts and Medicine (ISfAM) was established in 2023 with the primary aim to highlight the important connection of arts and medicine.
Our mission is to create a forum and hub for scientists, medical doctors, artists, therapists, as well as any individuals, organizations, and supporters working or interested in the field of arts and medicine. Our shared interest is improving and sustaining health through the arts including visual arts, music, dance, other performing arts, literature, and architecture.
The International Society for Arts and Medicine (ISfAM) will foster growth, cooperation, education, policy advice, and visibility of the field.
Board of the Society
We encourage you to join the International Society for Arts and Medicine as a member and together we will foster growth, cooperation, education, policy advice, and visibility of the the important connection of arts and medicine.
Be a part of a growing community of experts who share your vision and enhance your opportunities to contribute to the growing field of research in integration of arts and medicine by participating in special interest groups.
All natural and legal persons whose professional activities are compatible with the objectives of ISfAM may become full members of the society. In addition, legal entities active in this field, whose professional activity is compatible with the objectives of ISfAM can become full members including national societies of arts and medicine. Due to the international character of the ISfAM, its members are active in many countries.
Membership costs will be 100 €/year for full natural members, 25 €/year for student members.
Corporate members are welcome. The membership fees are as follows:
Companies with < 50 members pay an annual fee of 300 Euro and hold 2 votes in the Annual General Meeting.
Societies 50-100 members - 600 Euro - 3 votes
Societies 101-150 members - 900 Euro - 4 votes
Societies >150 members - 1,200 Euro - 5 votes.
Your membership benefits
o You benefit from significantly reduced participation fees for the annual ISfAM congress.
o You are part of a growing and large movement in arts and medicine. According to your wishes, you can get actively involved or at least receive regular information.
o In the near future, the publication of an ISfAM journal is planned, for which you will receive free online access.
o In Berlin at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, an Arts and Medicine Network symposium is planned regularly, where you will be invited for free.
o In addition, our Annual General Meeting for all members will take place once a year online in English. On this occasion you can also participate in lectures and discussions with other members.
o You will receive up-to-date information about other exciting events.
Please join us:
isfam-membership-application-form.pdf for download.
International Society for Arts and Medicine (ISfAM) e.V.
c/o Institute of Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Luisenstraße 57, 10117 Berlin, Germany
The International Society for Arts and Medicine is a registered non-profit association (VR 40124 B, Charlottenburg Local Court)
Editor: Anne Berghöfer
Website: Matthias Hübner
Illustrations: Malen Pazos